Meet the Owner of RV Detective

With a rich experience spanning over three decades as an RV owner and traveler, I have encountered my fair share of challenges on the open road.

My passion for RVs, coupled with over 32 years of experience in law enforcement as an investigator, has spurred me to use my analytical skills to assist others in their RV purchases.

Upon retirement, I further honed my expertise by attending the National Recreational Vehicle Training Academy and National Recreational Vehicle Inspectors Association academies.

Here, I acquired in-depth knowledge about the intricacies of RVs, their components, systems, and potential safety issues, such as water intrusion and damage to the roof coverings and drive train.

I am certified in various RV-related fields, including RV servicing and inspection, and I'm a proud member of the National Recreational Vehicle Inspector Association.

At RV Detective, I'm committed to making your RV experience pleasant by providing professional RV inspection, servicing, and consulting

AdvancedRVInspector INSP301